#: locale=en
## Tour
### Title
tour.name = WestJet 787 Dreamliner
## Media
### Title
panorama_0514AEE8_1572_BDEB_41AC_02EBD7E99160.label = Pano 6
panorama_051C97A8_1572_8C6B_41A7_5B28F5E32A9C.label = Pano 8
panorama_052CC7A6_1572_8C67_41A0_EF5D5C329458.label = Pano 7
panorama_0530E2B7_1572_8465_418F_81357350C7DE.label = Pano 9
panorama_05382850_1577_843B_41A2_05037CC88FB0.label = Pano 21
panorama_05437382_1575_841F_41AA_5A6E6CD23CC3.label = Pano 31
panorama_0545F5F9_1572_8FEC_41A2_B81F0974756E.label = Pano 5
panorama_0553858A_1576_8C2C_41A8_ECC981809221.label = Pano 17
panorama_056554D7_1572_8C25_41A7_5637929710FD.label = Pano 34
panorama_05689470_1577_8CFB_419F_24981A9FEE0C.label = Pano 22
panorama_057FB0D8_1576_842C_41A4_53C475B1E06C.label = Pano 27
panorama_18F90733_1573_8C7D_41B3_1799AF47C9B8.label = Pano 40
panorama_1A8D5EBB_1577_9C6D_41A7_D4B46869F8EE.label = Pano 19
panorama_1A9496B8_1575_8C6B_41B1_9A73015481A2.label = Pano 13
panorama_1A96CA71_1572_84FD_41B4_1471C6252ED3.label = Pano 33
panorama_1AA32583_1573_8C1D_419B_BAE7941F8B91.label = Pano 3
panorama_1AA8D005_1576_8425_41AF_DA65A850FBF0.label = Pano 23
panorama_1AB00B05_1576_8424_41A1_94DF6AA68EAE.label = Pano 15
panorama_1AB8BD15_1573_FC25_41AE_FC30F2F254B4.label = Pano 2
panorama_1AC5BC6A_1573_FCEF_41A9_38477675427B.label = Pano 39
panorama_1AC72144_1575_8424_4171_568820D6AD84.label = Pano 11
panorama_1AC8DE1C_1575_9C2B_4196_5071AF0AA7D4.label = Pano 28
panorama_1AD5D5E0_1575_8C1B_41AE_A9E39164F282.label = Pano 10
panorama_1AD68266_1573_84E7_419B_1159CAEA0861.label = Pano 41
panorama_1ADAB645_1573_8C25_41B3_C3302E31DBF0.label = Pano 37
panorama_1ADE4654_1575_8C3B_41B2_F9D35B721F57.label = Pano 30
panorama_1ADE5101_1573_841D_41A4_179964076B8B.label = Pano 38
panorama_1ADF1194_1573_843B_41B2_940C79B9EFB0.label = Pano 1
panorama_1AE08AD5_1575_8425_419A_51694BB0ED33.label = Pano 29
panorama_1AE472C2_1576_841C_4182_B3A87AA3E6E5.label = Pano 26
panorama_1AE65DBA_1573_9C6F_4195_001B6D932566.label = Pano 4
panorama_1AE707FB_1576_8BED_41B1_F3E086C2BBE5.label = Pano 25
panorama_1AEE1850_1576_843C_41A4_DB4B1A8170C5.label = Pano 16
panorama_1AF3AEC4_1572_9C1B_41A2_5108DF7606D3.label = Pano 35
panorama_1AF67EFD_1572_7DE5_4195_E1F4EE69FDA2.label = Pano 32
panorama_1B0DD9A9_1572_846D_419D_C8A3BE6D4B36.label = Pano 36
panorama_F33CB1DE_E291_D194_41E8_0FC5B4316955.label = Pano 42
photo_09A2E038_10EB_98C3_4180_5A4C2E253E99.label = Safety Feature Cards
photo_0A8BC98F_2AB9_FCF7_4197_2F38A1A3E93C.label = Premium Lavatories 1
photo_1082332B_0C65_A758_41A9_49B0FD95A028.label = Wardrobe
photo_11F4D642_0C6B_A093_41A5_523E60643008.label = Pillows Overhead Bin
photo_1284FF59_0CA7_A093_415E_FCEC5A79AE92.label = Premium Class Cabin
photo_171B7AEB_0C9D_E1B7_41A0_02215AE1D185.label = Headset Overhead Bin
photo_198256DF_309C_C80C_41C7_E63B547C0BBD.label = Stowage Compartment Real Galley
photo_19D6ADD1_0C64_A393_4167_5B46A0B2E712.label = Hangers
photo_19F0DBD1_30AD_D81D_41B6_94DE1AB718B9.label = Economy Lav 3
photo_19F89FAE_30AD_B806_41C1_3C1A28E3A2F8.label = Economy Lav 2
photo_1A2A2270_0BDF_38EF_41A3_8F2E564E7AAA.label = Crew Rest Bedding
photo_1AA6DB35_0C9C_6093_41A5_A343E41C41A0.label = Trash Bag
photo_1AA82FBC_0C9C_7F91_419D_501A3054E162.label = Front Ovens
photo_1AB15285_0CA4_A073_419C_AA9B1520FE54.label = Demo Kit
photo_1AE91887_0C9C_A07F_419B_52722516F109.label = Cockpit Storage
photo_1B08101C_0C66_F857_41A7_A7319FACAE94.label = Business Class Cabin
photo_1E09B700_1129_B8C3_419E_631AE8774F30.label = Fold Down Table
photo_1FE9CBB9_30AD_580D_41C8_800A72651760.label = Economy Lav 1
photo_2205E062_3532_9AEA_41C0_04DE38867065.label = Economy Lav With Needle Disposal 2
photo_22279E2C_3533_E67F_41CA_0DB5D2A3A1DE.label = Economy Lav With Needle Disposal 1
photo_261E4C92_306B_5E41_41C1_AA01463BBB46.label = Economy Seat Back
photo_2BD2E5DE_3195_49C1_41B3_5FC70FBA3BE4.label = Storage Compartment 2
photo_2E15DF89_319B_7A43_41A1_E8E59D1131AE.label = Economy Front Seat View 2
photo_2E3364E3_3194_CFC7_41B2_B79EF96F025E.label = Economy Front Seat View 1
photo_302C1A33_2503_B48E_41BB_289A99309C09.label = Business Class Lav 1
photo_362956F9_2501_5D7A_41C2_7A7580A52387.label = Business Class Lav 2
photo_36A317A7_2A96_3436_41B3_03C46CA37786.label = Premium Lavatories 2
photo_3FA738AE_2FAD_C641_41BF_C76688745501.label = Economy Class Overhead Bin 1
photo_3FC3EBF4_2FAD_59C1_41BC_19162C33DAF1.label = Economy Class Overhead Bin 2
photo_44A7AF8C_54E5_5EBD_41C8_3BD638FA1572.label = Spare Crew Rest linens
photo_47729C3C_5427_41DD_41CC_D24A9C96AC48.label = Extra Economy Linens
photo_CC8C38B3_DFEB_6FF0_41D7_03137565BD8D.label = Microsoft Word - 787 360 edits
video_1A69D2EE_30AD_4813_41C2_D57823964D33.label = Waste Compartment
video_2A32A2B4_2502_D597_41AF_FC02B7832867.label = Trash Compactor
video_2B1F6842_31AC_C6C1_41C2_34A393C26926.label = MVI_6230
video_2C52BF17_31B4_DA4F_41C3_4A095D4DC5BE.label = MVI_6230
video_3A09A840_2A96_3C6A_41C5_17F830DBD2DB.label = MVI_6280
video_3A28F993_2707_B78F_414D_E1631CDC2558.label = WestJet 787 Door Opening and Closing
video_5D982778_4EFF_AC1A_41C4_2BCA5249FE43.label = Swing Door Video
video_63B6EBDB_4493_A09C_41B6_8D1748F3A495.label = WestJet Needle Disposal Box
## Popup
### Body
htmlText_01FBCF58_30EF_582A_41C5_EF95087A4932.html =
o Hidden waste compartment. Remove middle carts to gain access, see video
htmlText_03C29DFE_2703_4F76_41A8_5ED603A3CDA5.html = o Location of extra headsets.
2 full headset bags (double loading and spares)
2 empty bags (for collection of dirty headsets)
htmlText_044CDE96_30EB_5826_416B_9BD9AE5F6590.html = o Hidden waste compartment. Remove middle carts to gain access, see video
htmlText_049D6A5F_306C_D8DA_41C2_D5015D6AFC8D.html = o Ensure toilet paper is fully stocked and that ends are folded into a Vee
o New toilet seat cover is placed on to seat with lid closed
o Place cone cups into holder (access behind mirror)
o Ensure amenities compartment fully stocked with feminine products and 10 sick bags
o Stock 2 packs of toilet seat covers in compartment behind toilet
o Stock all items behind mirror, latch is under mirror
htmlText_071E5FD4_10F8_E743_41B1_241C25A084EA.html = o Location of extra business and premium linens
htmlText_08D63567_3394_C8EB_41A4_24FCF4E6AF85.html = o Ensure toilet paper is fully stocked and that ends are folded into a Vee
o New toilet seat cover is placed on to seat with lid closed
o Place cone cups into holder (access behind mirror)
o Ensure amenities compartment fully stocked with feminine products and 10 sick bags
o Stock 2 packs of toilet seat covers in compartment behind toilet
o Stock all items behind mirror, latch is under mirror
htmlText_091A20A1_10E9_B9C5_4178_971BFDC6D44B.html = o Location of extra Safety feature cards (SFC)
htmlText_0B1EDF64_2A8A_3436_41BB_AE07C105ADC5.html = o Ensure toilet paper is fully stocked and that ends are folded into a Vee
o New toilet seat cover is placed on to seat with lid closed
o Ensure Rocky Mountain products are full and in correct placement
o Place cone cups into holder (access behind mirror)
o Ensure amenities compartment fully stocked with feminine products and 10 sick bags
o Stock 2 packs of toilet seat covers in compartment behind toilet
o Stock all items behind mirror, latch is under mirror
htmlText_101CEC8C_31B4_FE41_41B0_7788701B973C.html = o Ensure literature stocked for all three front seats
htmlText_105E56DC_0C64_AEFD_4181_1A3AACB26728.html = o Location of 1 FA folder/Kit (L/H only)
o Wooden coat hangers x 5
o Spare compactor boxes x 3
htmlText_106B3D5A_0D9D_E382_41A3_DEBD9C514A0A.html = o Location of 1 FA folder/Kit (L/H only)
o Wooden coat hangers x 5
o Spare compactor boxes x 3
htmlText_10FE7F67_0C64_A093_4196_B59015FF7413.html = o Location of extra business and premium linens
htmlText_11C8A86A_0C9C_60B1_4183_9F2912AC6030.html = o Location of extra headsets.
2 full headset bags (double loading and spares)
2 empty bags (for collection of dirty headsets)
htmlText_12763D89_3195_5E50_41B2_BCB0B90464B0.html = o Location of extra seatback literature
o Location of Key for needle disposal container for mid lavs *(L/H) location only*
htmlText_12ABA2E8_3195_4BC1_41B2_77F37D87790F.html = o Ensure table trays are cleaned, dry and restowed into armrest
o Montiors should be placed upwards after cleaning
o Ensure that Montiors in front rows are cleaned and upward
htmlText_139DBF2B_31ED_DA47_41B8_B654D0BEF8B9.html = o Ensure literature stocked for all three front seats
htmlText_14A5DA27_31FB_BA4F_41B4_1892BF7CF169.html = o Ensure table trays are cleaned, dry and restowed into armrest
o Montiors should be placed upwards after cleaning
o Ensure that Montiors in front rows are cleaned and upward
htmlText_1616DACF_0CAF_A18F_4185_36EF5B8D4F16.html = o Seats are dressed with Teal duvet, economy pillow with cotton premium cover. o Seats are dressed with Teal duvet, economy pillow with cotton premium cover. The WestJet teal tag on pillow case must be at top L/H corner.
o Pillows and blankets are to be angeled into the aisle with middle seat being straight
o Small bottled water is to be placed on arm rest, with premium headset in seat pocket
o Ensure seatbelt is crossed in a Vee
htmlText_1640D3A4_0CAB_A7B1_4187_5ED5AF75D2EF.html = o Seats are dressed with Teal duvet, economy pillow with cotton premium cover. The WestJet teal tag on pillow case must be at top L/H corner.
o Pillows and blankets are to be angeled into the aisle with middle seat being straight
o Small bottled water is to be placed on arm rest, with premium headset in seat pocket
o Ensure seatbelt is crossed in a Vee
htmlText_1669DF9F_319D_B8AE_41BA_8FB7A8FB15F9.html = o Ensure table trays are cleaned, dry and restowed into armrest
o Montiors should be placed upwards after cleaning
o Ensure that Montiors in front rows are cleaned and upward
htmlText_17BAD0E8_0CA5_A1B1_41A9_3C686C57B15A.html = o Seats are dressed with Teal duvet, economy pillow with cotton premium cover. The WestJet teal tag on pillow case must be at top L/H corner.
o Pillows and blankets are to be angeled into the aisle with middle seat being straight
o Small bottled water is to be placed on arm rest, with premium headset in seat pocket
o Ensure seatbelt is crossed in a Vee
htmlText_18ADF688_3094_C808_41C6_F39A71AA1FF7.html = o Ensure toilet paper is fully stocked and that ends are folded into a Vee
o New toilet seat cover is placed on to seat with lid closed
o Place cone cups into holder (access behind mirror)
o Ensure amenities compartment fully stocked with feminine products and 10 sick bags
o Stock 2 packs of toilet seat covers in compartment behind toilet
o Stock all items behind mirror, latch is under mirror
htmlText_1D9DB777_309F_C81E_4182_3CC8F8DCAAA0.html = o Location of :
potable water kits x3
Grey emerancy blankets x10
Nitech Gloves, Med x1 and XLarge x1
htmlText_1F5F5987_0C7D_A07F_41A0_BFC5B1075451.html = o Ensure armrest is lowered, this is the location where the business headset and bottled water are stored.
o Ensure literature is tiered smallest to largest
o Ensure Pillow is fully in case by tucking in fold
o Seats are dressed with Blue duvet, large bussiness pillow with bussiness cover with navy piping on edges. The WestJet navy tag on pillow case must be at top L/H corner.
o Ensure lap belt is crossed in a Vee and that cross belt is disconnected and fully retracted
htmlText_1F60BC37_309C_D867_41C5_6853C5A744F0.html = o Hidden waste compartment. Remove middle carts to gain access, see video
htmlText_1FA4E2B6_0C64_6191_4193_FA021EA5C05F.html = o Ensure armrest is lowered, this is the location where the business headset and bottled water are stored.
o Ensure literature is tiered smallest to largest
o Ensure Pillow is fully in case by tucking in fold
o Seats are dressed with Blue duvet, large bussiness pillow with bussiness cover with navy piping on edges. The WestJet navy tag on pillow case must be at top L/H corner.
o Ensure lap belt is crossed in a Vee and that cross belt is disconnected and fully retracted
htmlText_203A27D2_2FAB_49C1_41B9_0AA95F7D2434.html = o Location of extra Lav supplies (x2 black bags) and Nitech gloves (x1 Med X1 XLarge)
htmlText_2232FE80_3537_6626_41B7_C92AC5BF1736.html = o Ensure toilet paper is fully stocked and that ends are folded into a Vee
o New toilet seat cover is placed on to seat with lid closed
o Place cone cups into holder (access behind mirror)
o Ensure amenities compartment fully stocked with feminine products and 10 sick bags
o Stock 2 packs of toilet seat covers in compartment behind toilet
o Stock all items behind mirror, latch is under mirror
htmlText_2524B62E_306D_4A41_41AA_EE73579F612C.html = o Seats are dressed with teal fleece blanket, economy pillow with patterened disposable cover. The WestJet delta design on pillow case must be L/H side.
o Pillows and blankets are to be place straight on the seats
o Small bottled water is to be placed on blanket, resting back on pillow
o Ensure seatbelt is crossed in a Vee
htmlText_256A4046_307B_C6C1_41C6_D7A4C5828E72.html = o Seats are dressed with teal fleece blanket, economy pillow with patterened disposable cover. The WestJet delta design on pillow case must be L/H side.
o Pillows and blankets are to be place straight on the seats
o Small bottled water is to be placed on blanket, resting back on pillow
o Ensure seatbelt is crossed in a Vee
htmlText_271190A5_3516_9A69_41C8_4089EBBF9C8C.html = o Ensure toilet paper is fully stocked and that ends are folded into a Vee
o New toilet seat cover is placed on to seat with lid closed
o Ensure Rocky Mountain products are full and in correct placement
o Place cone cups into holder (access behind mirror)
o Ensure amenities compartment fully stocked with feminine products and 10 sick bags
o Stock 2 packs of toilet seat covers in compartment behind toilet
o Stock all items behind mirror, latch is under mirror
htmlText_283D0B57_306C_DACF_41B7_12DBB0040078.html = o Ensure all trash removed from seat pocket
o Open and wiped all side of folded tray table
o Clean and dry all seatback montiors and windows
o Ensure all literature items are present and in the following order
Sick bag
Monthly magazine (sideways)
RBC (if available)
htmlText_28449491_3513_7A26_41BB_CDD2844275C3.html = o Ensure toilet paper is fully stocked and that ends are folded into a Vee
o New toilet seat cover is placed on to seat with lid closed
o Place cone cups into holder (access behind mirror)
o Ensure amenities compartment fully stocked with feminine products and 10 sick bags
o Stock 2 packs of toilet seat covers in compartment behind toilet
o Stock all items behind mirror, latch is under mirror
htmlText_2955AD8B_3572_EA3A_41AB_BA642EE7BB02.html = o Ensure toilet paper is fully stocked and that ends are folded into a Vee
o New toilet seat cover is placed on to seat with lid closed
o Place cone cups into holder (access behind mirror)
o Ensure amenities compartment fully stocked with feminine products and 10 sick bags
o Stock 2 packs of toilet seat covers in compartment behind toilet
o Stock all items behind mirror, latch is under mirror
htmlText_29C34206_30B4_CA41_41AA_D12254B28E19.html = o Ensure all trash removed from seat pocket
o Open and wiped all side of folded tray table
o Clean and dry all seatback montiors and windows
o Ensure all literature items are present and in the following order
Sick bag
Monthly magazine (sideways)
RBC (if available)
htmlText_2CF3AC9E_306C_DE41_41B8_59D840EBF7CE.html = o Location of extra seatback literature
o Location of Key for needle disposal container for mid lavs *(L/H) location only*
htmlText_323ED51E_2503_BCB6_41BD_74606AFD2A5A.html = o Ensure armrest is lowered, this is the location where the business headset and bottled water are stored.
o Ensure literature is tiered smallest to largest
o Ensure Pillow is fully in case by tucking in fold
o Seats are dressed with Blue duvet, large bussiness pillow with bussiness cover with navy piping on edges. The WestJet navy tag on pillow case must be at top L/H corner.
o Ensure lap belt is crossed in a Vee and that cross belt is disconnected and fully retracted
htmlText_334C8867_250F_F497_4189_AAA50B17CB0C.html = o Ensure toilet paper is fully stocked and that ends are folded into a Vee
o New toilet seat cover is placed on to seat with lid closed
o Ensure Province Apothecary products are full and in correct placement
o Place cone cups into holder (access behind mirror)
o Ensure amenities compartment fully stocked with feminine products and 10 sick bags
o Stock 2 packs of toilet seat covers in compartment behind toilet
o Stock all items behind mirror, latch is under mirror
htmlText_349B52F4_2ABE_0C29_41BC_AE0B7F5064F6.html = o Ensure toilet paper is fully stocked and that ends are folded into a Vee
o New toilet seat cover is placed on to seat with lid closed
o Ensure Rocky Mountain products are full and in correct placement
o Place cone cups into holder (access behind mirror)
o Ensure amenities compartment fully stocked with feminine products and 10 sick bags
o Stock 2 packs of toilet seat covers in compartment behind toilet
o Stock all items behind mirror, latch is under mirror
htmlText_3816124E_277F_5496_41A2_5935259111EC.html = o Ensure armrest is lowered, this is the location where the business headset and bottled water are stored.
o Ensure literature is tiered smallest to largest
o Ensure Pillow is fully in case by tucking in fold
o Seats are dressed with Blue duvet, large bussiness pillow with bussiness cover with navy piping on edges. The WestJet navy tag on pillow case must be at top L/H corner.
o Ensure lap belt is crossed in a Vee and that cross belt is disconnected and fully retracted
htmlText_3DF81719_2F9C_CA43_41AF_BFC57F23B193.html = o Location of extra Lav supplies (x2 black bags) and Nitech gloves (x1 Med X1 XLarge
htmlText_40FC7A4A_542A_C1A4_41C6_856C075FCC4A.html =
htmlText_412D8732_4EEA_EC2E_4198_E988C9101325.html = o Ensure toilet paper is fully stocked and that ends are folded into a Vee
o New toilet seat cover is placed on to seat with lid closed
o Place cone cups into holder (access behind mirror)
o Ensure amenities compartment fully stocked with feminine products and 10 sick bags
o Stock 2 packs of toilet seat covers in compartment behind toilet
o Stock all items behind mirror, latch is under mirror
o Ensure needle disposal container is not full, if so please use key to open and replace *see video*
htmlText_421BEEF0_541D_DE65_41C1_AC3D7853942A.html = Aft location of spare crew rest linens
htmlText_42D68439_5426_C1E7_4194_7FC47082C02E.html =
htmlText_44778C18_54EA_C1A4_41AA_D6561F828894.html = Aft location of spare crew rest linens
htmlText_478B5FBC_541A_FEDC_41BF_F07E161C29EE.html =
htmlText_49D105E2_547B_4265_41B3_02FAC29F5E1D.html =
htmlText_4B1EF54F_5467_C3BB_41C3_DA4983A5A9F1.html =
htmlText_4DF3F75D_546B_4E5F_41D5_264F7C29E614.html =
htmlText_50D8744E_498F_7744_4188_699DB01ABC64.html = o Ensure toilet paper is fully stocked and that ends are folded into a Vee
o New toilet seat cover is placed on to seat with lid closed
o Ensure Rocky Mountain products are full and in correct placement
o Place cone cups into holder (access behind mirror)
o Ensure amenities compartment fully stocked with feminine products and 10 sick bags
o Stock 2 packs of toilet seat covers in compartment behind toilet
o Stock all items behind mirror, latch is under mirror
htmlText_5242A80F_4571_6F75_41C2_9B3EC7D89D1A.html = o Loaction for spare crew rest linens
htmlText_53C5C8E9_4981_5F4D_41C7_8B439AB14DD3.html = o Location of 1 FA folder/Kit (L/H only)
o Wooden coat hangers x 5
o Spare compactor boxes x 3
htmlText_5581A20D_4986_B2C5_41BD_446E455A8425.html = o Location of 1 FA folder/Kit (L/H only)
o Wooden coat hangers x 5
o Spare compactor boxes x 3
htmlText_57DD56FA_459F_E09F_41A1_ED0AB7AA171D.html = o Ensure toilet paper is fully stocked and that ends are folded into a Vee
o New toilet seat cover is placed on to seat with lid closed
o Place cone cups into holder (access behind mirror)
o Ensure amenities compartment fully stocked with feminine products and 10 sick bags
o Stock 2 packs of toilet seat covers in compartment behind toilet
o Stock all items behind mirror, latch is under mirror
o Ensure needle disposal container is not full, if so please use key to open and replace *see video*
htmlText_5B9A0F87_4981_51C4_41C2_BF177483BCB4.html = o Ensure all trash removed from seat pocket
o Open and wiped all side of folded tray table
o Clean and dry all seatback montiors and windows
o Ensure all literature items are present and in the following order
Sick bag
Monthly magazine (sideways)
RBC (if available)
htmlText_5BC39FDD_44B6_E095_41C9_CE24CF622560.html = o Ensure toilet paper is fully stocked and that ends are folded into a Vee
o New toilet seat cover is placed on to seat with lid closed
o Place cone cups into holder (access behind mirror)
o Ensure amenities compartment fully stocked with feminine products and 10 sick bags
o Stock 2 packs of toilet seat covers in compartment behind toilet
o Stock all items behind mirror, latch is under mirror
o Ensure needle disposal container is not full, if so please use key to open and replace *see video*
htmlText_5C6A44D1_456F_A0EC_4172_23BB43DD6091.html = o Location of 1 FA folder/Kit (L/H only)
o Wooden coat hangers x 5
o Spare compactor boxes x 3
htmlText_5F9CE4C9_4983_B74C_4186_B2C5CE7F8C64.html = o Seats are dressed with teal fleece blanket, economy pillow with patterened disposable cover. The WestJet delta design on pillow case must be L/H side.
o Pillows and blankets are to be place straight on the seats
o Small bottled water is to be placed on blanket, resting back on pillow
o Ensure seatbelt is crossed in a Vee
htmlText_65ACB2F7_4492_A094_41A5_EF2EB3240839.html = o Ensure toilet paper is fully stocked and that ends are folded into a Vee
o New toilet seat cover is placed on to seat with lid closed
o Place cone cups into holder (access behind mirror)
o Ensure amenities compartment fully stocked with feminine products and 10 sick bags
o Stock 2 packs of toilet seat covers in compartment behind toilet
o Stock all items behind mirror, latch is under mirror
o Ensure needle disposal container is not full, if so please use key to open and replace *see video*
htmlText_6A62E393_4A81_B1DD_41CA_30E7CDA72F58.html = o Seats are dressed with Teal duvet, economy pillow with cotton premium cover. The WestJet teal tag on pillow case must be at top L/H corner.
o Pillows and blankets are to be angeled into the aisle with middle seat being straight
o Small bottled water is to be placed on arm rest, with premium headset in seat pocket
o Ensure seatbelt is crossed in a Vee
htmlText_7731EF54_546F_5FAC_41D2_E642E756453E.html =
htmlText_C816A9F9_D8CD_9BD8_41D8_07B2D96FBBF8.html = Ensure beds are dressed with clean linens. This includes 1 economy blanket, 1 premium blanket and 1 economy pillow with premuim pillow case
htmlText_C81BD053_D9CD_A828_41E7_DD6C949B4F47.html = Wipe clean, including phone
htmlText_C81D5DC4_D852_9829_41E4_108F517138D8.html = Ensure beds are dressed with clean linens. This includes 1 economy blanket, 1 premium blanket and 1 economy pillow with premuim pillow case
htmlText_C82D5C8A_D8B3_9839_41C8_A0B1F5CF0274.html = Ensure beds are dressed with clean linens. This includes 1 economy blanket, 1 premium blanket and 1 economy pillow with premuim pillow case
htmlText_C8546561_D8B6_68E8_41D6_84483C3A6C89.html = Ensure beds are dressed with clean linens. This includes 1 economy blanket, 1 premium blanket and 1 economy pillow with premuim pillow case
htmlText_C86AB3A6_D855_E869_41D5_B410BC6C8A5C.html = Wipe clean, including phone
htmlText_C8828DF4_D8B2_FBE9_41E5_D976E81B698B.html = Ensure beds are dressed with clean linens. This includes 1 economy blanket, 1 premium blanket and 1 economy pillow with premuim pillow case
htmlText_C88C093B_D9CD_985F_41D8_C7ECEE6A4BAA.html = Wipe clean, including phone
htmlText_C8D92823_D8BE_986F_41E1_1CE7455D7452.html = Ensure beds are dressed with clean linens. This includes 1 economy blanket, 1 premium blanket and 1 economy pillow with premuim pillow case
htmlText_C90EC99E_D9D3_9858_41C4_7A8165706001.html = Wipe clean, including phone
htmlText_C999D8FD_D8B5_F9D8_41D8_476F35053C98.html = Ensure beds are dressed with clean linens. This includes 1 economy blanket, 1 premium blanket and 1 economy pillow with premuim pillow case
htmlText_C9B39B80_D9FF_F829_41D0_DFED50C286EA.html = Wipe clean, including phone
htmlText_C9B54317_D9D5_E857_4187_E65961AAE73B.html = Wipe clean, including phone
htmlText_CC8925E1_DFB5_A61C_41E3_6B7AA561502F.html =
htmlText_CCC566D9_DFEA_A22F_41EB_17DB106C0AC7.html =
htmlText_CCCB6EA0_DDF6_A21C_41E7_8B09F81B9C20.html = Ensure Ovens are cleaned, removing all crumbs
htmlText_CD1BFACE_DFEE_A224_41D3_89F0C2A6383D.html = Ensure wiped dry and RONs
htmlText_CDCC75F6_DD95_A1E4_41DD_645BE67D4B61.html = Ensure Ovens are cleaned, removing all crumbs
htmlText_CDDD3A99_DDEA_A22C_41DA_2FF425D0DCD3.html = Ensure Ovens are cleaned, removing all crumbs
htmlText_CDFD4641_DD96_A21C_41C5_DCB96ADA7CF3.html = Wipe clean, including phone
htmlText_CF7A2AF1_DF96_A3FF_41D2_C6EEE0F7253C.html =
htmlText_CF8BA87D_DFBA_AEE7_41E1_5B3D597A8623.html =
htmlText_CFFA5E87_DFF5_E278_41E9_6A33E915A76B.html = Location for spare crew rest linens
htmlText_D0B38CA8_C428_3BE0_41CE_6FD4497D532D.html = Never use, can cause flooding
htmlText_D0F382EA_C5E8_2F8E_41E7_C87C0C62A52C.html = Ensure Ovens are cleaned, removing all crumbs
htmlText_D1207834_C428_58CA_41D3_0A1C03B01DC6.html = Ensure compartment stocked with Kleenex, Screen Prep wipes, paintbrush and Purell wipes
htmlText_D165F227_DFAA_E263_41E8_9A2A29D6EFE5.html =
htmlText_D201F38C_DD6F_6224_41E4_A0703CCC47B8.html =
htmlText_D229D468_DD9A_A6EC_41CA_CD56B6976E07.html = Wipe clean, including phone
htmlText_D248FF76_DD75_A2E5_41D9_38CD8D3A0E0C.html = Wipe clean, including phone
htmlText_D25F18E2_DD7D_AE1C_41E3_3D6314C0FC3B.html =
htmlText_D275D168_DD7B_5EEC_41D5_66C7AB5B36B5.html = Wipe clean, including phone
htmlText_D2967A6C_C428_FE9B_41DE_083DEC871818.html =
htmlText_D2B3D211_C418_28CD_41AF_D7E6491E2A89.html = Ensure location is stocked with 3 wooden hangers
htmlText_D2CD4131_C418_2A83_41C0_8422ADCBE58B.html =
htmlText_D61C4754_D876_A828_41BE_7279BFD3E2DF.html =
htmlText_D61D7ED9_C428_397A_41C9_B0765402935B.html = Ensure location is stocked with 3 wooden hangers
htmlText_D7911F53_D84F_B828_41A2_C87821919131.html = Wipe clean, including phone
htmlText_D7D942EB_D856_69F8_41D7_E63845D7C8C8.html = Wipe clean, including phone
htmlText_DC47CC15_C5F8_3A70_41E6_B624DC77EB72.html = Ensure bag is emptied and replaced
htmlText_DDD13A33_C418_5E89_41DA_665F5AFFF56E.html =
htmlText_F1415B23_E2AF_72AC_41D4_CD8C932B306A.html = Ensure Ovens are cleaned, removing all crumbs
htmlText_F1ABE7AA_E2BF_51BD_41D9_543CC09048EF.html = Wipe clean, including phone
htmlText_F4EB4FB4_E3B0_B194_41E6_29E16AB2FC98.html =
htmlText_F551F277_E3AF_7293_41CA_345C8C39AB34.html =
htmlText_F60482C8_E390_D3FD_41B0_3AC3BA20E48D.html = Ensure Ovens are cleaned, removing all crumbs
htmlText_F63792C0_E2B0_B3ED_41E7_94FC5325B132.html =
htmlText_F683A9E3_E2B3_71AC_41C5_22F4669FAF4B.html =
htmlText_F7C513A2_E390_D1AC_41E5_DDE47DBDDBDB.html = Wipe clean, including phone
htmlText_F7F827F2_E290_B1AD_41D2_ABAEEDB4AD28.html =
htmlText_FB5DC648_E393_52FD_41C4_62C434FA90AA.html = Ensure Ovens are cleaned, removing all crumbs
### Title
window_01FB6F53_30EF_583E_41C7_29D338FE8FCD.title = Wast Compartment
window_03CC5DFE_2703_4F76_4197_893B970658F8.title = Overhead Bin
window_044C9E96_30EB_5826_41C1_08B4EA9E194C.title = Wast Compartment
window_049D8A5E_306C_D8DA_41B5_0D7AAC54FE24.title = Economy Lavatory
window_055D4AFE_2D8A_32CA_41AF_AE92F55AFE93.title = Foot Step
window_05C44F55_2D96_33C2_419E_9734C7B4DDBF.title = Foot Step
window_061B7330_2701_748A_418B_47472E3ACE96.title = AC Door Operations Video
window_06C4F723_2D9E_73AC_41AE_9FCCF837052C.title = Foot Step
window_071E7FD4_10F8_E743_418D_6CC1D9817204.title = Overhead Bin
window_075A7EDB_2703_4DBF_41A4_8F79C0DFFD63.title = AC Door Operations Video
window_07AEDD2B_2D9A_17BA_41BA_2DEEF0451F48.title = Foot Step
window_07E808F5_2701_558A_4197_98410693A582.title = AC Door Operations Video
window_07FE9536_2D7A_7717_41BF_763FDE481A35.title = Foot Step
window_084757CF_2A9A_33FF_41BD_58EDB8087A9B.title = Foot Step
window_087CF544_2D76_34B3_41C5_8949D9009853.title = Foot Step
window_08D61567_3394_C8EB_41A6_93882549229B.title = Economy Lacatory
window_0919E0A0_10E9_B9C3_419F_4591AF66413D.title = Compartment
window_0B189F64_2A8A_3436_4190_2C270D465CEE.title = Premium Lavatories
window_0B8B3CA7_2D7E_15DE_41B9_FF0CCA0F0ECD.title = Foot Step
window_0BFD1885_2D79_FDEC_41B4_58511EB7E871.title = Foot Step
window_0FBE2EB1_2D76_F5DD_41C1_B6D2BA9D1CC7.title = Foot Step
window_101CDC8C_31B4_FE41_41B4_2C8A4CC64803.title = Literature pocket
window_105C76DB_0C64_AEFB_4175_E09F547E22D0.title = Wardrobe
window_10654D59_0D9D_E38E_4182_D7AE18306E40.title = Wardrobe
window_10F02F67_0C64_A093_4152_68A636214D28.title = Overhead Bin
window_11C6886A_0C9C_60B1_41A0_6817BF8C39E6.title = Overhead Bin
window_12778D88_3195_5E50_41A1_45D74F48B367.title = Stowage Compartment
window_12AB42E8_3195_4BC1_41BE_13AE8628ED89.title = Economy Front Seats
window_139A4F2B_31ED_DA47_41C0_1BCF7BB1B70B.title = Literature pocket
window_14A58A27_31FB_BA4F_41C7_CBA52ED69C6B.title = Economy Front Seats
window_16112ACF_0CAF_A18F_41A8_51F28A7DA20B.title = Premium Class Cabin
window_1640C3A4_0CAB_A7B1_4183_CE09E4020BA2.title = Premium Class Cabin
window_166A3F9F_319D_B8AE_4196_634FFBBDF89F.title = Economy Front Seats
window_17BA30E8_0CA5_A1B1_4196_99D595B7F702.title = Premium Class Cabin
window_18ADD687_3094_C8F8_41B3_90C61D2C1B31.title = Economy Lavatory
window_1D9DE777_309F_C81E_41AE_B5D6C8AE2D83.title = Stowage Compartment
window_1F5D7987_0C7D_A07F_4167_0EC77CD7135E.title = Business Class Cabin
window_1F6E5C31_309C_D87B_41A1_34C327B7FB74.title = Waste Compartment
window_1FAAD2B6_0C64_6191_413A_5E27F0B37664.title = Business Class Cabin
window_203AB7D1_2FAB_49C3_41B2_4618F35073EB.title = Overhead Bin
window_2230DE80_3537_6626_41BC_49424CE0D49D.title = Economy Lavatory
window_2526D62E_306D_4A41_41AD_8875F6B81A6E.title = Economy Seating Area
window_25680046_307B_C6C1_4180_904A882B9047.title = Economy Seating Area
window_271180A5_3516_9A69_4195_34E92CF436B4.title = Premium Lavatories
window_283D5B57_306C_DACF_41BE_45747FDAA314.title = Economy Seat Backs
window_2844C491_3513_7A26_4194_2AD31EFC15D9.title = Economy Lavatory
window_2957FD8B_3572_EA3A_41BA_2FDB5F1D3BA0.title = Economy Lavatory
window_29C11206_30B4_CA41_41C3_1FCA020141E9.title = Economy Seat Backs
window_2C4EE91E_31B5_4641_41C8_4C37E58323E7.title = Location of Key for Needle Disposal Container Video
window_2CF3FC9E_306C_DE41_41C2_1E809812EB80.title = Stowage Campartment
window_30010B06_2AFA_1DE9_41C2_6337A9C1D6AF.title = Foot Steo
window_301B7D8C_2AF9_F4FA_41AA_99ADDE02B44D.title = FooT Step
window_3238951E_2503_BCB6_41C2_A4F73E7D99E9.title = Business Class Cabin
window_334AF867_250F_F497_4184_C55E022067BC.title = Business Lavatory
window_349912F4_2ABE_0C29_41C0_AACBA813B942.title = Premium Lavatories
window_3816424D_277F_549A_41C0_95AEF4F87B52.title = Business Class Cabin
window_38692B2A_271F_549F_419D_3782148152A5.title = AC Door Operations Video
window_38D592CC_2703_559A_41AC_8923069FC2B5.title = AC Door Operations Video
window_396F4672_2701_5C8E_41B3_12EA1961B2C8.title = AC Door Operations Video
window_39D11CB4_2707_4D8B_41A0_79EB273FEA20.title = AC Door Operations Video
window_3A8239D0_2701_578A_419F_7E0462B94A12.title = AC Door Operations Video
window_3CD46444_2A8A_3469_41A7_5A255D14D275.title = Foot Step
window_3E07E718_2F9C_CA41_41A8_EF407C6F9BDC.title = Overhead Bin
window_3F69D9BB_2A8A_1C1E_41A5_B1BB23ED5FBE.title = Foot Step
window_40FABA4A_542A_C1A4_41C3_02782E5DD437.title = Location of Extra Economy Linens
window_412DA732_4EEA_EC2E_41B9_8A915C6F3B59.title = Economy Lavatory
window_42192EF0_541D_DE65_41C1_B4FCD518B3C8.title = Spare Crew Rest linens
window_42D8C439_5426_C1E7_41A1_3454B1E17E17.title = Location of Extre Economy Linens
window_44775C18_54EA_C1A4_41D4_B7232D165029.title = Spare Crew Rest linens
window_478B0FBC_541A_FEDC_41BF_DF832D18F434.title = Location of Extra Economy Linens
window_49D0B5E2_547B_4265_41B6_4CBE990963A4.title = Extra Economy Linen
window_4B1EC54F_5467_C3BB_41B1_2DF1D6BE0810.title = Extra Economy Linen
window_4DF1B75D_546B_4E5F_41C5_AE6302A058C7.title = Spare Crew Rest linens
window_50C7844D_498F_7744_41C6_289B84373B3F.title = Premium Lavatories
window_5181F659_4EA9_6C1A_41B7_76EE5F0D87D6.title = Needle Disposal Container Video
window_5242D80F_4571_6F75_41C2_16598C6EB393.title = Spare Crew Rest Linens
window_53C3B8E9_4981_5F4D_41C6_99848F89A4D5.title = Wardrobe
window_5587F20D_4986_B2C5_41CE_1616DE0D9BC8.title = Wardrobe
window_55E3F359_4E9E_A41A_41D2_A13EB41A446F.title = Handicap Swing Door Instructions Video
window_564DADDF_4EE7_FC17_41B7_BA2653A08AF8.title = Handicap Swing Door Instructions Video
window_57DD66FA_459F_E09F_41C4_1A3423E1E576.title = Economy Lavatory
window_5BA4DF86_4981_51C5_41C4_97E498E7B547.title = Seat Back
window_5BC1DFDD_44B6_E095_41CF_7449181CEA90.title = Economy Lavatory
window_5C41EDBB_4EFB_FC1E_41C4_0C1E1EEB19A2.title = Handicap Swing Door Instructions Video
window_5C6864D1_456F_A0EC_41C1_1A368B11FFDC.title = Wardrobe
window_5C76F42E_4EFB_6C39_41C7_98A7AF3D159D.title = Needle Disposal Container Video
window_5CC03044_4EFE_A469_41D1_7B64106733AE.title = Handicap Swing Door Instructions Video
window_5E0CEC23_4492_A7AD_41CA_5F560549E1D2.title = Foot Step
window_5F73E130_449E_A1AB_41C0_7E9DC857EDFB.title = Foot Step
window_5F9E94C8_4983_B74C_41A2_0BA411EBD02A.title = Seat Area
window_65AF02F7_4492_A094_41D0_2BB379FEA92F.title = Economy Lavatory
window_68DD92F4_4493_600D_41C5_A3CAE8ACF3C6.title = Needle Disposal Container Video
window_6A60A392_4A81_B1DF_41B4_276E7F294D88.title = Premium Seating Area
window_6DB79E45_4FA9_DC6B_419D_918F1AAA5F6A.title = Needle Disposal Container Video
window_77302F53_546F_5FA4_41A6_62E709319CEE.title = Extra Economy Linen
window_C814F9F9_D8CD_9BD8_41E7_270A145C6AAF.title = Crew Rest Linens
window_C8199053_D9CD_A828_4183_C01C42AC2097.title = Flight Attendents Seat
window_C823BDC3_D852_982F_41E6_2A8A38DBAC1E.title = Crew Rest Linens
window_C82B2C85_D8B3_982B_41D2_91CEFBD595B5.title = Crew Rest Linens
window_C855A561_D8B6_68E8_4198_8C0EBAA42E7C.title = Crew Rest Linens
window_C86453A0_D855_E869_41DB_C33A09A31D72.title = Flight Attendent Seat
window_C880BDF4_D8B2_FBE9_41E5_E0E7BF39A439.title = Crew Rest Linens
window_C88DF93A_D9CD_9859_41E1_14C01AB3628E.title = Flight Attendents Seat
window_C8DB5823_D8BE_986F_41E7_40450FCC3EDE.title = Crew Rest Linens
window_C90CA99E_D9D3_9858_41E7_DCFA775369FF.title = Flight Attendents Seat
window_C99BF8FD_D8B5_F9D8_41CC_E099D8F84643.title = Crew Rest Linens
window_C9B55B80_D9FF_F829_41D6_B47CF0A177B8.title = Flight Attandents Seat
window_C9B70317_D9D5_E857_41E8_87692BA21380.title = Flight Attendents Seat
window_CC8B25E1_DFB5_A61C_41E9_2506C7A1DE8A.title = Trash Compactor
window_CCC736D9_DFEA_A22F_41D5_2A3F314644CD.title = Coffee Makers
window_CCCABE9F_DDF6_A224_41E5_1DE4F3E4B2FE.title = Ovens
window_CD1B8ACE_DFEE_A224_41E3_28A3ABD4FC39.title = Ice Drawer
window_CDCAB5F6_DD95_A1E4_41C3_0A82E12A2AFF.title = Oven
window_CDDF7A99_DDEA_A22C_41B1_D47AD4B2E01D.title = Ovens
window_CDFB563B_DD96_A26C_41E4_2F309391BB1B.title = Flight Attendents Seat
window_CF787AF1_DF96_A3FC_41EB_7D2CE78D1702.title = Waste Location
window_CF8DD87D_DFBA_AEE7_41C5_E61962ADBAD0.title = Ice Drawer
window_CFF82E86_DFF5_E278_41D9_47830B727021.title = Spare Crew Rest Linens
window_D0B1ACA8_C428_3BE0_41DF_97C6023B1AC0.title = Water Spigot
window_D0F152E4_C5E8_2FBA_41E7_1ABC43EFBDDB.title = Ovens
window_D121B833_C428_58CE_41D4_0A02746B8AEC.title = Side Compartment
window_D1674227_DFAA_E263_41CF_351D7FFF0F74.title = Coffee Makers
window_D206038C_DD6F_6224_41E6_E647A10E573E.title = Foldable Counter
window_D22B9468_DD9A_A6EC_41EB_597B9B90C65E.title = Flight Attendents Seat
window_D24A8F76_DD75_A2E5_41E7_62C1CA9CFA55.title = Flight Attendents Seat
window_D251F8E2_DD7D_AE1C_41E8_1438A38F0F78.title = Foldable Counter
window_D2759168_DD7B_5EEC_41EA_F257FA60B285.title = Flight Attendents Seat
window_D2905A66_C428_FE97_41D3_040AC2D10226.title = Waste Location
window_D2BDC211_C418_28CD_41DA_84E664F6F7E4.title = Hangers
window_D2CF7131_C418_2A83_41E3_D88AC0B2BF61.title = Ice Dwawer
window_D61C5754_D876_A828_41E8_CA5A8BB48064.title = Coffee and Espresso Machine
window_D61D6ED9_C428_397A_41DB_58FCBBE48D1E.title = Hangers
window_D790EF53_D84F_B828_41DE_90AA5AD08112.title = Flight Attendent Seat
window_D7DB92EA_D856_69F8_41B2_AC9791DEF8C4.title = Flight Attendent Seat
window_DC49FC15_C5F8_3A70_41E3_351622C63095.title = Waste Bag
window_DDD37A33_C418_5E89_41AD_850819591F20.title = Chiller
window_F143EB23_E2AF_72AC_41C6_8E92F477C680.title = Ovens
window_F1AD57AA_E2BF_51BD_41D6_8BD593301BD0.title = Flight Attendents Seat
window_F4EB1FB4_E3B0_B194_41E7_567FA588FDE1.title = Trash Compactor
window_F553D276_E3AF_7295_41EC_23298B48DC91.title = Coffee Machine
window_F60AD2C7_E390_D3F2_41E0_3696D1FB5D0C.title = Ovens
window_F635B2C0_E2B0_B3ED_41D8_651F66E96E56.title = Trash Compactor
window_F68199E3_E2B3_71AC_41EB_7038A24F4388.title = Coffee Machine
window_F73B63A2_E390_D1AC_41EC_292EC1DDDD70.title = Flight Attendents Seat
window_F7FEC7F1_E290_B1AF_41DA_879AEB342660.title = Foldable Counter
window_FB5B8647_E393_52F3_41C0_D7CBCDDF0DE2.title = Ovens
## Hotspot
### Tooltip
FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED0B97A_C441_6CE4_41DE_2FBF7BF70673.toolTip = Foot Step
FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2297D_C441_6CDC_41E2_24C2CA1A7950.toolTip = Foot Step
FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2497B_C441_6CE4_41E1_2FE750B57456.toolTip = Foot Step
FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2B97B_C441_6CE4_41E3_5B72FFED33E6.toolTip = Foot Step
FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2D97B_C441_6CE4_41D4_FC4DCB4E5023.toolTip = Spare Crew Rest linens
FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2D97E_C441_6CDC_41E6_60A9195347F1.toolTip = Spare Crew Rest linens
FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4B97F_C441_6CDC_41C9_51C10DC57D48.toolTip = Spare Crew Rest linens
FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5897E_C441_6CDC_41AB_529FE70F56C1.toolTip = Foot Step
FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5F97E_C441_6CDC_41DA_F1635EC62D2E.toolTip = Foot Step
FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED62981_C441_6C24_41D7_233AB8DD885D.toolTip = Waste Compartment
FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED76980_C441_6C24_41D7_603098C41FC0.toolTip = Foot Step
FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED78980_C441_6C24_41C8_8289500F8A2E.toolTip = Foot Step
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED0597A_C441_6CE4_41D1_99345E51EB95.toolTip = Coffee Makers
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED0A97A_C441_6CE4_41D2_20FEC7F770F1.toolTip = AC Door Operations Video
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED0C97A_C441_6CE4_41DF_1A6879D94186.toolTip = Crew Rest Linens
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED0D97A_C441_6CE4_41B7_136B3D0BA3C6.toolTip = Economy Front Seats
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED0E97A_C441_6CE4_41E1_29D0D41E47E8.toolTip = Overhead Bin
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2097C_C441_6CDC_41DB_737426A33402.toolTip = Stowage Campartment
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2097D_C441_6CDC_41B0_BDD2FE623D4F.toolTip = Location of Extre Economy Linens
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2197B_C441_6CE4_41B1_6D8B7DFA8E1D.toolTip = AC Door Oerations Video
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2197D_C441_6CDC_419E_78F336FDBF40.toolTip = Spare Crew Rest Linens
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2297B_C441_6CE4_41B9_DDEEF6ED01F0.toolTip = Overhead Bin
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2297C_C441_6CDC_41D9_598A59D0D891.toolTip = Foldable Counter
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2397B_C441_6CE4_41E5_B5C9A8AD6044.toolTip = Business Class Cabin
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2397C_C441_6CDC_41E2_1E11624940AD.toolTip = AC Door Operations Video
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2497C_C441_6CDC_4191_04AEAD32807A.toolTip = Waste Bag
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2597C_C441_6CDC_41DF_E71096120E56.toolTip = Ice Drawer
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2597D_C441_6CDC_41D6_DB7E2B31BBB0.toolTip = Premium Class Cabin
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2697B_C441_6CE4_41E4_10BBBB9C0DA7.toolTip = Flight Attendent Seat
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2697C_C441_6CDC_41E0_A7644F83F86C.toolTip = Economy Lavatory
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2697D_C441_6CDC_41D1_AB3BC5FCF30A.toolTip = Ovens
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2797B_C441_6CE4_41C9_AAEE3DA2FF2C.toolTip = Premium Lavatories
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2797D_C441_6CDC_41E0_3CE89A89A56D.toolTip = Foot Step
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2897B_C441_6CE4_41DB_EF13CA9EB4E7.toolTip = Ovens
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2897E_C441_6CDC_41DD_34E611A00710.toolTip = Economy Lavatory
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2997B_C441_6CE4_41D6_5B5DA6770C6B.toolTip = Trash Compactor
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2997C_C441_6CDD_41C8_AF7FBB44215F.toolTip = Ice Drawer
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2997E_C441_6CDC_41E2_198C95AA6E67.toolTip = Premium Lavatories
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2A97C_C441_6CDC_41E5_2035F22DC475.toolTip = Ovens
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2B97C_C441_6CDC_41E2_8ABB7846E675.toolTip = Crew Rest Linens
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2B97E_C441_6CDC_41D7_F4388777520F.toolTip = Overhead Bin
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2C97D_C441_6CDC_41E7_C256A9619B6D.toolTip = Crew Rest Linens
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2C97E_C441_6CDC_41E3_6858C1413CCD.toolTip = Economy Lavatory
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2D97D_C441_6CDC_41E1_DEFC77ED5193.toolTip = Coffee Makers
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2E97D_C441_6CDC_4187_BF7895358901.toolTip = Economy Seat Backs
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2F97B_C441_6CE4_41C1_65493D1399C3.toolTip = Premium Class Cabin
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED2F97E_C441_6CDC_41D8_3FEDD549F55B.toolTip = AC Door Operations Video
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED3197A_C441_6CE4_41E3_C802C56A165E.toolTip = Side Compartment
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED3297A_C441_6CE4_41E3_AF5EFBC4844D.toolTip = AC Door Operations Video
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED3397A_C441_6CE4_41D0_02122AB1CEF1.toolTip = Handicap Swing Door Instructions Video
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED3497B_C441_6CE4_41E0_7AF3E6DB53CD.toolTip = Coffee Machine
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED3597B_C441_6CE4_41A3_557EB98CDD18.toolTip = Economy Seat Backs
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED3797A_C441_6CE4_41E3_C6EB0BBA78D7.toolTip = AC Door Operations Video
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED3897B_C441_6CE4_41D6_46EA05990DA8.toolTip = Overhead Bin
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED3997B_C441_6CE4_41D3_0896388ABD38.toolTip = Economy Front Seats
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED3B97B_C441_6CE4_41E0_04F315ABCBC8.toolTip = Foot Step
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED3C97C_C441_6CDC_41E3_D693A795514A.toolTip = Coffee and Espresso Machine
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED3D97B_C441_6CE4_41E8_16C9E267F8CB.toolTip = Trash Compactor
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED3E97C_C441_6CDC_41DD_4605A7A53D7B.toolTip = Crew Rest Linens
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED3F97B_C441_6CE4_41E6_900638459162.toolTip = Economy Lacatory
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED3F97C_C441_6CDC_41DA_88535332A0C4.toolTip = Needle Disposal Container Video
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4197E_C441_6CDC_41E2_BF5510ED2841.toolTip = Economy Lavatory
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4297E_C441_6CDC_41E1_63300F98A343.toolTip = Flight Attendents Seat
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4297F_C441_6CDC_41DD_2BEB2FD4DD0E.toolTip = Business Class Cabin
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4397E_C441_6CDC_41D4_23AA3FDE7E13.toolTip = Flight Attendent Seat
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4397F_C441_6CDC_41DB_773237DE50D6.toolTip = Ice Drawer
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED43980_C441_6C24_41CC_5EF3C0E935F2.toolTip = Stowage Compartment
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4497E_C441_6CDC_41C2_482B5B862486.toolTip = Literature pocket
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4497F_C441_6CDC_41C9_69E71135B04A.toolTip = Economy Front Seat
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED44980_C441_6C24_41E2_B4B5D81D2731.toolTip = Economy Seating Area
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4597E_C441_6CDC_41D9_CA5813510D3C.toolTip = Wardrobe
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED45980_C441_6C24_41E4_F405DB60B4AC.toolTip = Wardrobe
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4697F_C441_6CDC_41E0_8E80401A86C9.toolTip = Foldable Counter
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED46980_C441_6C24_41AD_C7B0C58FEF4C.toolTip = Foot Step
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED47980_C441_6C24_41E5_888DB009C648.toolTip = Extra Economy Linen
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4897F_C441_6CDC_41D5_A9771D359955.toolTip = Flight Attendents Seat
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED48980_C441_6C24_41D5_E78C09A3A5CE.toolTip = Waste Location
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED48981_C441_6C24_41E7_1077F6E4CC17.toolTip = Flight Attendents Seat
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4997E_C441_6CDC_41E7_32164ABFC560.toolTip = Economy Lavatory
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4A97F_C441_6CDC_41D3_32B5DB03320F.toolTip = Ovens
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4B97E_C441_6CDC_41B5_25681DED886B.toolTip = Coffee Machine
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4B980_C441_6C24_41BC_D6AD2C7B4E7E.toolTip = Compartment
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4C97F_C441_6CDC_41A3_C49DC3292C99.toolTip = Handicap Swing Door Instructions Video
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4C97F_C441_6CDC_41DF_75AB794F0886.toolTip = Literature Pocket
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4C981_C441_6C24_41CE_A8D31CF26A0C.toolTip = Flight Attendents Seat
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4D980_C441_6C24_41DF_CDDB827212C5.toolTip = Foldable Counter
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4E97F_C441_6CDC_41E5_B29520285053.toolTip = Flight Attendents Seat
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4E97F_C441_6CDC_41E6_806A58C4595F.toolTip = Chiller
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4E980_C441_6C24_41E7_EF9DB132CF78.toolTip = Foot Step
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4F97F_C441_6CDC_41CB_9C1709997865.toolTip = Overhead Bin
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4F97F_C441_6CDC_41E4_53F067DA45C1.toolTip = Location of Extra Economy Linens
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED4F981_C441_6C24_41E7_367094BB01F6.toolTip = Flight Attendents Seat
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5097D_C441_6CDC_41CD_3DFDDAC7D2AF.toolTip = Flight Attendents Seat
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5097E_C441_6CDC_41B1_84B004FAFF94.toolTip = Econony Lavatory
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5197D_C441_6CDC_41BC_54180F8B5DB6.toolTip = Waste Compartment
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5297B_C441_6CE4_41BE_ABF64979D25D.toolTip = Extra Economy Linen
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5397B_C441_6CE4_41E1_6398FF8088C6.toolTip = Foot Step
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5397D_C441_6CDC_4175_7584514575D6.toolTip = Flight Attendents Seat
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5497D_C441_6CDC_41DC_43AE3E2A5966.toolTip = Spare Crew Rest Linens
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5497E_C441_6CDC_41E0_25F59A2AE70A.toolTip = Flight Attendent Seat
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5597E_C441_6CDC_41D5_8DF489CA218D.toolTip = Flight Attendents Seat
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5697B_C441_6CE4_41C4_FE1CC7897EBC.toolTip = Economy Lavatory
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5797D_C441_6CDC_41DC_05A6463212B7.toolTip = Extra Economy Linen
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5797E_C441_6CDC_4176_89EC2D050F12.toolTip = Handicap Swing Door Instructions Video
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5897F_C441_6CDC_41D5_E4BB384039F7.toolTip = Foot Step
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5997E_C441_6CDC_41E5_0FC70B18CB73.toolTip = Wardrobe
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5A97D_C441_6CDC_41E6_80387986F1B1.toolTip = Foot Step
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5A97F_C441_6CDC_41C8_1917CFFA8013.toolTip = Crew Hanger Location
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5B97E_C441_6CDC_41E3_8D33A55FFB99.toolTip = Overhead Bin
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5C97F_C441_6CDC_41C0_5408DE64EFB2.toolTip = Needle Disposal Container Video
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5D97E_C441_6CDC_41C9_AD95837D7FA3.toolTip = Seat Back
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED5E97F_C441_6CDC_41E5_ACC81394871F.toolTip = Premium Lavatories
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED61981_C441_6C24_41E8_5ECCD9BAD49C.toolTip = Location of Key for needle disposal container video
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED63982_C441_6C24_41DC_E8BBF033BC46.toolTip = Location of Extra Economy Linens
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED64982_C441_6C24_41E2_3FB1047344B3.toolTip = AC Door Operations Video
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED65982_C441_6C24_41E6_45638256DDFE.toolTip = Ovens
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED67982_C441_6C24_41CF_6B35C955CAFD.toolTip = Economy Lavatory
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED68982_C441_6C24_41D5_02721839DE61.toolTip = Water Spigot
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED6B982_C441_6C24_41D7_9772F33171D8.toolTip = Premium Class Cabin
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED70980_C441_6C24_41AF_B84E6C0F236E.toolTip = Oven
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED70980_C441_6C24_41DA_531DE65376D9.toolTip = Crew Hanger Location
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED70981_C441_6C24_41DA_1D7EF688741F.toolTip = AC Door Operations Video
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED7297F_C441_6CDC_41CC_D2A7EF97950A.toolTip = Premium Lavatories
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED7297F_C441_6CDC_41E8_7B4E806EB62A.toolTip = Crew Rest Linens
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED72980_C441_6C24_41E4_8678B8978866.toolTip = Waste Location
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED72981_C441_6C24_41DE_82814077284C.toolTip = Needle Disposal Container Video
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED73980_C441_6C24_41DD_2BF802240F69.toolTip = Crew Rest Linens
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED73981_C441_6C24_41DD_946C7492D957.toolTip = Economy Seating Area
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED75980_C441_6C24_41DE_6872F3201D62.toolTip = Crew Rest Linens
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED75982_C441_6C24_41C5_B95DF37CD263.toolTip = Stowage Compartment
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED76980_C441_6C24_41B0_31F679C7F443.toolTip = Handicap Swing Door Instructions Video
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED77980_C441_6C24_41B4_42A83DF3F069.toolTip = Ovens
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED77981_C441_6C24_41DD_9B8E8EDC11C2.toolTip = Needle Disposal Container Video
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED78981_C441_6C24_41AF_8E4167B3DBE3.toolTip = Flight Attendents Seat
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED78982_C441_6C24_41E7_137505C2A092.toolTip = Premium Seating Area
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED7A980_C441_6C24_41BB_EF87B849CEED.toolTip = Waste Compartment
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED7A981_C441_6C24_41E4_115D6537FDE0.toolTip = Wardrobe
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED7B980_C441_6C24_41D9_6924EB8CAE82.toolTip = Seat Area
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED7B982_C441_6C24_41D7_FE801BC41ED9.toolTip = Wardrobe
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED7C981_C441_6C24_41E2_1FD30BC22CA2.toolTip = Economy Lavatory
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED7C982_C441_6C24_41DA_C284CDF8EA58.toolTip = Flight Attendents Seat
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED7D982_C441_6C24_41C2_005DACFFBD7E.toolTip = Business Class Cabin
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED7E981_C441_6C24_41C1_AFE2A1864F28.toolTip = Business Class Cabin
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED7F981_C441_6C24_41C4_C517806916E5.toolTip = Trash Compactor
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DED7F982_C441_6C24_41D3_34567C498955.toolTip = Foot Step
## Action
### URL
LinkBehaviour_DE082FAC_C441_2463_41E1_79F16AAD4A95.source = https://hostey.net/Westjet/787_Dreamliner_French/index.htm
LinkBehaviour_DED66982_C441_6C24_41E5_8E8500716FC3.source = http://www.ocuaris.com